This has nothing to do with anything, but that's pretty much the theme of this blog anyway... I figured that a little background information is necessary, so here are some typical family quotes. We all have a very similar sense of humor...
Mom: I'll go.. check my e-mail.... *walks away*
Dad: I'm right here.
Mom: *gone*
Dad: I'm here...!
Steph: What?? She said she wanted to check her --
Dad: -- Emil. :D (his name)
Steph: *sigh*
Dad: *cracks up*
Mom: *from the living room* What?
Dad: *claps*
Steph: *sitting, watching TV, curled up on the couch in a red blanket*
Mom: *walks in and stares at her for a while* ...... You look like a fetus.
Evie: Ooh, ooh! Can I read a page of this book in a French accent for you?
Steph: Do you always do this when you're bored? Speak in accents?
Evie: Yessssss... don't you??
Shiel: *force-feeding graham crackers*
Steph: Mom! Tell her to stop!
Mom: *stares blankly through her sunglasses*
Shiel: *holding a graham cracker, turns around to look at Mom*
Mom: *slowly turns her head and looks away*
[at North Cape... where it is VERY windy..]
Evie: *yelling* Anjel! How would you define silt??
Anjel: Whaaat???
Evie: Siltt!!! What is it!!
Anjel: I can't hear you..!
Steph: It's so windy.. in order for her to even know we're asking her a question, you'd have to emphasize the question mark.. .. like.. "Silt?!?!?!??"
Shiel: It's interesting how you can pronounce punctuation...
Steph: Silt?
Shiel: More question mark.
Steph: Silt????????
Shiel: Now an exclamation point. Silt!
Steph: SILT!
Shiel: Period!
Steph: Silt.
Shiel: Hmm... you could do an ellipse...
Steph: Silt...
Shiel: Silt...
Steph: Silt...
Shiel: Semicolon?
Steph: Silt:
Shiel: No, I think that was a colon. Oooh say silt without punctuation. I don't think you can.
Steph: Silt.
Shiel: No.
Steph: *deep breath* ...Silt.
Shiel: No!!
[ After having a heated discussion about mass and weight and the moon]
Dad: *laughing to himself*
Mom: What? What's so funny?
Dad: Heat of fusion.... We're Catholics...
Mom: What?
Dad: Heat of fusion... We have mass.
(heat of fusion = calories used/mass)
Steph: ....*realizing what he meant as a joke*'re corny.
Mom: *laughs with me at dad*
Dad: *continues to laugh at himself*
[playing Password in the car]
Evie: Man.
Shiel: Woman.
Evie: Sun.
Shiel: *thinking she said "son"* .......... Jesus??
Evie: ... No.... uhmmm?? *laughs*...Bright.
Shiel: Jesus?
Evie: no!!
*time up*
Evie: Shaaadow..
Anjel: Wanna know my word that I made up?
Shiel: Okay.
Anjel: Frutiamistaniquisitrikupigherzixobivadicowderjhy.
Evie: What?? Hahahahhaha...
Shiel: What does that mean?
Anjel: "Yes." It uses every letter of the alphabet except for the letter L.
Steph: *cleaning fish* . ...I feel like... .. smacking you with this...
Jess: Yeah, I feel like that, too, when I hold a fish.... . . ...DO IT....!
Steph: Really???
Jess: *looking at Lola Mang* ... Wait.. come over here... *walks into the hallway*
Steph: *follows with a fish*
Jess: Okay... do it.
Steph: *smacks Jess with a fish*
Jess: Ow!! xD
Steph, Anjel, and Shiel: *laughing hysterically*
Anjel: Mom?
Mom: *looks up from magazine* Hmm?
Anjel: Do you think we're weird?
Mom: *stares*
Steph, Anjel, and Shiel: *laughing*
Mom: *goes back to reading magazine* You're my children.
Shiel: *laughing* That's the best answer I've ever heard!