Tuesday, August 12, 2008

No worries, mate...

I need to multitask while I get ready for work in order to keep myself from getting bored and lying down, so I often turn to tv (on Youtube). More specifically, I watch reality television along the lines of Project Runway, ANTM, BNTM, AuNTM, CNTM, and My Super Sweet Sixteen. There was also a period where I only watched A Shot At Love with Tila Tequila. I'm all caught up with every single season of these shows except one...

The program of the moment is Australia's Next Top Model Cycle 4. Since I also watch these when I'm trying not to do things like clean my room or set up my Vanguard account, I watched 3 or 4 episodes last night instead of looking over my GRE book. Then I watched an episode this morning. I know I'm supposed to be exercising my mind instead of watching vapid reality shows, but really - that's what Word Twist and Challenge Sudoku are for... (By the way, I challenge anyone who thinks they're good at sudoku. Add the Facebook application. Let's ward off Alzheimer's together.)

Anyway... I finished my morning routine and did the usual trolley ride with headphones, but forgot to restart my On-The-Go 5 playlist so it ended while I was just starting to zone out. Since I was in the middle of zoning out, I didn't realize it until my inner monologue started commenting on some girl's outfit. In an Australian accent. Using Australian terms like "trainers" instead of "sneakers". I took me by surprise, even though it has happened before, so I kept the music off and continued with the fashion commentary. This led me to two conclusions. One, people in Philly are rather boring. And two, even though I have the perfect Australian accent in my mind, that is not the case when I speak. I know because I tried.

So, fine - the fact that I was kind of startled by my own inner monologue leads me to believe that perhaps I should be watching better programming and exercising my brain with more than a few Facebook applications... But I still challenge you.


Wesley said...

weird. i did the same thing but with a british accent for the same reason. I had been watching lots of tv with british commentary.

Boogie Brown/The Brian said...

what happened to lingo? I still owe you a textual beatdown.