Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Something I like: the idea of random acts of mischief

[Walking on the OCMD boardwalk]

S: Do you ever get the impulse to do random things that are a little mean?
T: Yes.
L: What?
S: Like... that woman we just passed was sitting on the wall but her one shoe fell off and was on the ground. I really really wanted to pick it up, throw it over the wall, and run away.
T: Oh... I usually think of violent things.
L: .........
S: ..... I was talking about random little acts of mischief, but... ok.

Now notice - I said I like "the idea of". I hardly ever act on impulses unless my inhibitions are lowered due to mob mentality, being in a different city, or... whatever. At most, I sometimes don't hold the elevator for people and then push all the buttons when I get off so it takes extra long for it to get back to the ground floor.

I know... I'm a threat to society.

Currently listening to: J Ralph - Kansas City Shuffle

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